Analyzing line audio input with Arduino
Taking cropped webcam photos with live digital zoom preview
Using JavaScript to read a drivers license
Github based blog relaunched
Focus the first input in any Bootstrap modal
Drag n drop queue ordering with a Kendo UI grid
Switching to MySQL from MongoDB in Node.js
Easy reset button for forms with Kendo UI and jQuery
Getting foreign keys both ways in SQL Server
Multi-page PDF printing for Kendo UI grids
Making an image uploader with Kendo UI and MVC
Get id when a custom command is clicked in Kendo grids
Displaying inactive foreign keys in Kendo UI grids with cell editing
Sorting Kendo foreign key columns by text in MVC
Validating Bootstrap radio buttons with Kendo UI
Concurrency control and transaction logging with NPoco
Generating a year prefixed serial number in SQL
Greatest-N-Per-Group: Getting the latest result for each user
Automated stored procedures on Microsoft Azure
Single click checkbox editing for Kendo grids
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